Ulaizer therapy: treatment of common diseases

Cystic fibrosis
Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disease caused by a gene mutation. A synonym for cystic fibrosis is "mucoviscidosis". As a rule, presence of this disease in humans is identified in early childhood - 70 % of cases of cystic fibrosis are identified during the first two years of life. There are several forms of this disease; one of the forms is pulmonary. In patients with pulmonary form of disease, the process of sputum discharge is hampered. Due to peculiarities of sputum formation in people with cystic fibrosis, "heavy artillery of mucolytics" is required to achieve dilution and discharge of sputum. Mucolytics with a pronounced sputum diluting effect include Okistar hyal 7. Inhalations Okistar hyal 7 are performed 2 times a day or as and when necessary. If you experience a discomfort during inhalation (tickling sensation in the throat, shortness of breath), we recommend you to use Lorde® hyal. For inhalation, both in adults and children, a mouthpiece is a better option, since it allows to exert effect to a greater extent on the lower respiratory tract.

Before you use a drug product to eliminate the above mentioned symptoms, please, consult your physician or a pharmacist.

Acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI), influenza and common cold
Лечение ОРВИ и гриппа небулами Декасан These diseases occur in our lives and in lives of our family members most often. As cold weather sets in, almost everyone from time to time falls prey to these albeit short-term, but, nevertheless, consumptive diseases. What do we do in most cases? We go to a pharmacy to buy anti-cold drugs / powders / pills that will give us the desired facilitatory effect. Though being much desired, this effect is mere a symptomatic one. Anti-cold powders and pills do not contain components that conquer the cause of the disease – an infection. Pharmaceutical industry has gone ahead and offers the market products that provide radical and safe solution to ARVI and influenza. These are the inhaled antiviral drugs and antiseptic drugs: 1) They destroy viruses and bacteria; 2) They exert local action, and therefore are safe. Some words about symptoms of ARVI / influenza / cold. The most common manifestations of these conditions are fever, sore throat, tickling sensation in the throat, coughing, sneezing, runny nose, body aches, headache. BASIC NEBULIZER THERAPY:
  • Decasan® inhalations (1-2 nebulas per an inhalation, according to the basic prescribing information) 2-3 times a day for 4-7 days.
  • For antiviral purposes: AKK® (choose the route of administration according to the BPI) up to 8 times a day for 4-7 days.
  • To dilute and expel sputum from the respiratory tract, use Lorde® hyal inhalations (adults and children above 6 years of age) / Lorde® hyal (children under 6 years of age) 2-3 times a day for 4-7 days.
  • Other symptomatic agents (antipyretic, vasoconstrictive and other products – follow recommendations of your physician).

Before you use a drug product to eliminate the above mentioned symptoms, please, consult your physician or a pharmacist.

Prophylaxis of influenza and acute respiratory viral disease (ARVD) during the cold season
Ингаляции для профилактики гриппа и простуды Prevention is the best treatment. In our country, we rarely resort to preventive measures. As a rule, we start worrying about our health when we have already faced a fait accompli of a disease. Disease is a condition which is cheaper to prevent, not to mention the fact that there are no consequences for our daily lifestyle when we take preventive measures. To prevent a disease, we do not have to take a sick leave, to stop going to school, work ... and, moreover, we do not become a source of infection for our relatives (including children), friends and just casual acquaintances. It looks like as if we are saying to the infection: “We are your dead end”. And infection stays away from us and finds another prey to live and to evolve – someone who has not concerned himself about prevention of ARVI and influenza in advance. Prevention of ARVI and influenza can be successful without pills and powder, if you:
  • take АКК (choose the route of administration according to the BPI) 1-2 times a day for 7-10 days during the “dangerous” season, when the risk of infection is high (autumn-winter).
  • rinse your nose with Nasisoft 2-3 times a day for 7-10 days. By flushing the microorganisms from the mucous membrane (elimination), we leave no chances for the viruses and bacteria to attach to the mucosa and to provoke the process of infectious inflammation. The process of attaching is significantly hampered by hyaluronic acid contained in Nasisoft.
Pharyngitis: disease particulars and treatment schedule
АКК небулы при фарингите

Pharyngitis is an infectious and inflammatory process in the throat, to be more precise, on the mucosa of the posterior pharyngeal wall. If you see a plaque on the tonsils (it may be barely visible) when you examine your pharynx, you are having a sore throat, and we strongly recommend you to consult a physician for diagnosis specification. This is due to the fact that sore throat falls within a category of very serious diseases, which, if not treated appropriately, can lead to bad outcomes. Such diseases include primarily diphtheria and infectious mononucleosis.

What are manifestations of pharyngitis like? First of all, it is a sore throat and an itching sensation in the throat. This semiology can be combined with increased body temperature, coughing, general weakness. On the whole, pharyngitis is a manifestation of ARVI, influenza, and, as we used to call it, colds.

In addition to the basic and symptomatic therapy, it is recommended to use Decasan® inhalations (1-2 nebulas, according to the BPI) 2-3 times a day for 7-10 days.

With an antiviral purpose: AKK® (choose the route of administration according to the BPI) up to 8 times a day for 4-7 days.

For inhalation, both in adults and children, a mask is a better option, since it allows to exert effect to a greater extent on the upper respiratory tract.

Before you use a drug product to eliminate the above mentioned symptoms, please, consult your physician or a pharmacist.

Лечение бронхита ингаляциями с Лорде The most frequent manifestations of bronchitis are fever and cough. At the onset of the disease, cough is often dry, with little or no sputum. A mucolytic therapy and correct regimen of fluid intake enables to make cough productive, with an easy sputum discharge. At the onset of the disease, sputum is clear, mucoid, and as the disease progresses, sputum can acquire a yellowish tinge or even a green color, which indicates attachment to the infectious inflammatory process of a bacterial microflora. If there are blood streaks in your sputum, please, contact your physician. BASIC NEBULIZER THERAPY:
  • Decasan® inhalations (1-2 nebulas per an inhalation, according to the BPI) 2-3 times a day for 4-7 days.
  • For antiviral purposes: AKK® (inhalations or nasal drops) up to 8 times a day for 4-7 days.
  • To dilute and expel sputum from the respiratory tract, use Nasisoft inhalations (adults and children above 6 years of age) / Lorde® Hyal (children under 6 years of age) 2-3 times a day for 4-7 days.
  • Other symptomatic agents (antipyretic, vasoconstrictive and other products – follow recommendations of your physician).

Before you use a drug product to eliminate the above mentioned symptoms, please, consult your physician or a pharmacist.

Пневмония лечение с Лорде небулами

Pneumonia, or inflammation of the lungs, is a serious disease requiring supervision of a doctor. Moderate and severe forms of pneumonia are most often treated in a hospital setting due to high risk of complications, especially in young children. The most common manifestations of pneumonia are increased body temperature, cough, general weakness, malaise.

In addition to the basic therapy, with the purpose to enhance antimicrobial therapy and to reduce duration of the disease, we recommend to conduct Decasan® inhalations (1-2 nebulas, according to the PBI) 2-3 times a day for 7-10 days.

If necessary, mucolytics are indicated to facilitate sputum discharge – inhalations with Lorde® hyal 2 times a day for 4-7 days. The inhalation route of the mucolytics delivery ensures a quick effect and a minimal risk of adverse reactions.

For inhalation, both in adults and children, a mouthpiece is a better option, since it allows to exert effect to a greater extent on the lower respiratory tract.

Before you use a drug product to eliminate the above mentioned symptoms, please, consult your physician or a pharmacist.

Allergic rhinitis (nasal blockage)
Лечение аллергического ринита Лорде Гиаль

Allergic rhinitis or what is often called “nasal blockage” – what is it?

Allergic rhinitis (runny nose) is an inflammatory process in the nasal mucosa caused by an allergen. Yes, we got used to the fact that inflammation is most often provoked by an infection. In case of allergic rhinitis (as with other allergic diseases), inflammation is triggered by an allergen (blossoming, pollen dispersion, dust). It is not always possible to identify the allergen and to remove it from your life. And sometimes identification of the allergen does not lead to alleviation. What shall you do during the ragweed blooming season? Shall you leave the country for a couple of months? This is going to be difficult to accomplish. Therefore, it is necessary to use pharmaceutical products that can bring you back your normal life and quiet sleep.

It is desirable that the medication you use to cure yourself would not cripple you at the same time. Therefore, please, read the following information:

  • The indispensable item – a ULAIZER® with a nasal cannula (a mouthpiece won’t suit). The most comfortable model for you is the "Air" model. It is ultra-portable and it can be recharged from a cigar socket or can operate from a battery;
  • Lorde® Hyal is a real pickup for you. It will remove the allergen from your nasal mucosa (no allergen – no allergy) and will promote recovery of the nasal mucosa owing to the presence of hyaluronic acid;
  • If in the midst of blossoming/pollen dispersion nothing can provide you a restful sleep and a normal lifestyle, you can opt for glucocorticosteroids (GCS) that will eliminate inflammation and give you the much-desired free breathing!
  • If frequent use of drugs has led you to nosebleeds, AKK® will help you! AKK® will stop bleeding and will protect you from viral infection, because allergic inflammation contributes to ingress of viral infection!

Before you use a drug product to eliminate the above mentioned symptoms, please, consult your physician or a pharmacist.

Infectious exacerbation of bronchial asthma (ba) and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (copd)
Лечение БА и ХОЗЛ ингаляциями Exacerbations of BA and COPD must be treated under supervision of doctor. This, in first place, is associated with pronounced “unpredictability” of these conditions, if the scope of the conducted therapy is insufficient to eliminate the exacerbation. This may lead to admission of the diseased person to an intensive care unit due to development of a life-threatening stage of respiratory function failure. In addition to the basic and emergency therapy, Decasan® inhalations (1-2 nebulas, according to the BPI) can be used 2-3 times a day for 7-10 days. To dilute and expel sputum from the respiratory tract, use Lorde® Hyal inhalations 2-3 times a day for 7-10 days as prescribed by your doctor. For more pronounced mucolytic effect, use concentration of product Lorde – Okistar hyal 7 (make sure no unpleasant sensations occur). For inhalation, both in adults and children, a mouthpiece is a better option, since it allows to exert effect to a greater extent on the lower respiratory tract.

Before you use a drug product to eliminate the above mentioned symptoms, please, consult your physician or a pharmacist.


The patients diagnosed with laryngitis are treated with laryngeal antiseptic agents. The main therapy is aimed to combat the sources of the disease, which are viral or bacterial infections. If a nebulizer is available, your physician will recommend you to treat laryngitis using inhalations:

  • 1-2 Decasan® nebulas (twice daily, treatment duration is 7 to 10 days).
  • The АКК® antiviral respiratory agent (up to 8 inhalations daily, treatment duration is 4 to 7 days).

When croup occurs, antihistamines, glucocorticoids are used as prescribed by a physician.

Before you use a drug product to eliminate the above mentioned symptoms, please, consult your physician or a pharmacist.

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