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Inhalator Ulaizer

An inhalation device (a nebulizer) – is a medical device that converts liquid medicines into an aerosol form with an optimal particle size.

Owing to an inhalation device, medicinal products in the desired dosage enter directly into the respiratory tract tissues in a short period of time (5–10 minutes).

Targeted delivery of medicines against respiratory diseases
Rapid onset of effect, without systemic action
Can be used for patients of any age
It can be used to inhale the following groups of medications:
  • Mucolytics and mucoregulators (the products that dilute sputum and promote its elimination from the body).
  • Bronchodilators (drugs for expanding the lumen of the bronchi).
  • Glucocorticoids (hormonal solutions).
  • Cromones (antihistamines).
  • Antibiotics.
  • Salts and alkalis solutions.
Ulaizer™ range of nebulizers is equipped with a set of accessories for convenient use in adults and children
Model Ulaizer™ Home
Model Ulaizer™ Air +
with Ulaizer™ pressured inhalation devices
The essence of inhalation therapy is to convert liquid drugs into a steam or aerosol form, which enters directly into the patient’s respiratory tract.
Inhalation therapy has been recognized among physicians as the most efficient and easy way to treat acute and chronic respiratory diseases
Today, inhalations for children and adults are recommended by physicians in the scope of inpatient, outpatient, and home treatment
The safest and most universal inhalation device is a nebulizer — a device for converting liquid drugs into an aerosol with an optimal microparticle size
Nebulizer inhalations are efficient for the following indications:
Acute respiratory diseases, rhinitis, pharyngitis
Obstructive pulmonary disease, bronchitis
Chronic respiratory diseases
Bronchial asthma, allergic syndromes
Fungal infections of the respiratory tract
Cleansing and moistening of the mucosa

A nebulizer provides many benefits in the treatment of patients. Thus, inhalation therapy with a nebulizer eliminates the respiratory tract burns and can be received by patients with elevated body temperature.

Children can use an inhalation device at any age, since a patient only needs to inhale the aerosol cloud that is released by the device. Owing to an inhalation device, the medicinal product enters directly into organs and cavities affected by the disease, which ensures the speed and efficacy of its action.

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