Lung obstruction in children: Treatment with inhalers and nebulizers

31 March 2017

Lung obstruction is a condition of the body in which a sufficient amount of oxygen does not reach the child’s airways. This can be caused by entering of a foreign body, accumulation of secretion (mucus), purulent crust, covering the lumen of the bronchi, oedema of the bronchi, appearance of scars on the bronchial walls, polyps, spasm, upper respiratory tract dysfunction. Lung obstruction in children The causes of bronchial obstruction in children are often complications in pregnancy and delivery, pathological changes in the bronchi, as well as diseases such as:

  • asthma;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • infectious respiratory diseases;
  • fungal lung infections;
  • tuberculosis;
  • chronic bronchitis and other.

The main symptoms of obstructive lung disease in children

Lung obstruction is a dangerous condition for the child’s body and manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  1. shortness of breath, appearance of dyspnea during slight physical activity;
  2. crackles and whistles that can be heard when breathing in;
  3. cough (dry or with sputum);
  4. malaise, fatigue;
  5. restlessness, sleep disturbance.


Methods of treating of lung obstruction in children

If symptoms of lung obstruction are detected, a child should be immediately consulted by a doctor, because respiratory failure can lead to dangerous consequences. With the progression of the syndrome, bradycardia and even respiratory arrest may occur.

Treatment of obstruction of the upper respiratory tract includes such methods as alveolar massage, oxygen therapy, therapeutic gymnastics, surgical intervention, medical treatment. If bronchial obstruction is caused by an infectious disease, the main treatment is directed, first of all, to its elimination.

Inhalations in obstructive bronchitis in children are highly effective as they provide a rapid and direct delivery of medicines to the focus of disease – airways. Vaporizers are used for inhalations with herbal decoctions and oily compounds And with the help of nebulizers, treatment of airway obstruction is performed by the following groups of drugs: Methods

  • Broncholytic solutions which increase the bronchial lumen, facilitates breathing, neutralizes spasm.
  • Mucolytic drugs which dilute the sputum formations in the bronchi and stimulate their excretion.
  • Antibiotics and antiseptics are used in the presence of bacterial infections.
  • Hormonal drugs which help reduce swelling and inflammation.
  • Alkaline solutions which moisturise the mucous membranes of the airways and promote liquefaction of sputum.

Inhalations with a nebulizer can be used as first aid in shortness of breath and pronounced dyspnea in a child to relieve spasm and facilitate the condition before visiting a doctor.

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