Treating a dry cough through inhalations

25 October 2018

Cough is one of the most common symptoms that occur in patients with respiratory infections. But an interesting feature is that it can be a signal of a variety of diseases, ranging from a cold and up to serious pathologies of internal organs and systems. In any case, a dry cough is a phenomenon that can not be ignored. And if the cause of a long cough is not obvious, it is a good reason to visit a doctor.

Another detail to keep in mind when coughing: cough – is a symptom which has a cause. And it will not be quite right to deal with a cough, without eliminating its true cause.

What do you need to know about a dry cough?

A dry cough is an obsessive, debilitating cough that does not bring a relief. The main difference between a dry cough and a productive one is not only in the absence of mucoid discharge, but also in localization: it is formed in the larynx area. Wet cough is always heard from the middle of the chest. If a cough is deep, but not accompanied by mucous, it means mucus is too viscous or is difficult to get out. In this case, the task of treatment is to liquefy mucus and promote its easy excretion outside.

The mechanism of action of a dry cough begins with irritation of the back wall of the larynx. This can occur under the influence of viruses, inflammation, allergic reactions or reactions to aggressive components of the environment (smoke, pungent smells, etc.). The reaction to the stimulus is transmitted to the brain and there is a cough reflex, the purpose of which is to cleanse the respiratory tract. As a result of an unproductive cough, the mucous membrane of the larynx is even more irritated, and there is a new wave of cough, turning this chain into a vicious circle.

Depending on the cause, there are two types of a dry cough:

  • Irritation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract occurs under the influence of external factors: allergens, gases, pungent smells. It is enough to eliminate the source of a cough in the external environment to stop it.
  • It appears as a result of internal processes in the body to combat the cause that caused it: a cold, viruses, inflammation, disorders of internal organs and systems, life activities of endoparasites, congenital and acquired diseases. Pathological cough requires accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Dry cough therapy through inhalation

Before proceeding to the treatment of a dry cough, it is necessary to establish the exact cause of this symptom. In children, an unproductive cough often occurs in the early periods of a cold and viral diseases. In some cases, it indicates inflammation of the larynx and is accompanied by tickling. In other – indicates penetration of a virus into the lower respiratory system. The child does not always have the strength to cough up phlegm, especially if it is not sufficiently liquefied. Treatment in these two cases is fundamentally different, and the wrong drug can only worsen the situation. It is best to start treatment of a dry cough in children with an examination and doctor’s recommendations.

An unproductive cough in an adult is a reaction to an irritant: viruses, inflammation, allergens, aggressive external factors, internal pathologies. If a cough persists for several weeks, months, this may indicate the continuous presence of stimuli in the inhaled air or the manifestation of chronic diseases.

Inhalations for a dry cough are considered one of the most effective and safe ways of home treatment. A cough in children, adults and pregnant women can be successfully treated using a nebulizer. A dry cough therapy through inhalation procedures is aimed at moisturizing and softening the mucous membrane, relieving inflammation and swelling, as well as combating the cause of its occurrence.

  • For a cough caused by a body allergic response, it is possible to do inhalations with Lorde® hyal: this will clean the respiratory tract from allergens, moisturize and soothe inflamed mucous surfaces.
  • If the cause of an unproductive cough was a virus, the optimal effect will be provided with АКК®: intranasally, up to 8 times a day.
  • Lorde® hyal is also recommended if a cough occurred at any stage of ARVI: this mucolytic helps liquefy mucus and facilitate its excretion out.
  • Dekasan® is best suited for direct effects on the cause of a cough of viral or bacterial nature: 2 inhalations per day.

To make cough inhalations effective, you need to make sure that the aerosol dispersion provided in your home nebulizer is suitable for the treatment of lower respiratory organs. Thus, in Ulaizer™ Home the particle size is in the range from 0.5 to 10 microns, which allows to cover the entire respiratory tract. For inhalations from a cough such nozzles as a mouthpiece (for adults) or a mask (for children) will suit well.

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