What can be used to treat bronchitis – a review of treatment options

17 August 2023

Bronchitis is a type of inflammation in the bronchi that is caused by viruses, bacteria, allergens or foreign particles. It can be acute or chronic.

  • Viral disease most often appears with a decrease in immunity, due to which the pathogens of A.R.V.I., getting into the respiratory tract, quickly travel down. The disease has an acute course.
  • Bacterial bronchitis is associated with a complication of the viral process. Cells are affected by Staphylococcus, Streptococcus or pneumococcus. Also an unpleasant disease can be caused by particular microorganisms settling on the mucous membranes of the bronchial tubes, for example, chlamydia, Mycoplasma or Haemophilus wand. In this case, the disease is not associated with the previous virus.
  • Allergic variety appears as a result of a strong reaction to stimuli entering the respiratory tract. It can be pollen, dust or wool. An allergen provokes the release of histamine and cytokines, causing swelling and increased mucus production.

Sometimes the disease is called a professional one, if a person works for a long time in an enterprise where the air is contaminated with small particles of various substances (cotton, asbestos, coal dust). These compounds settle on the mucous membranes of the bronchi and constantly provoke irritation, which leads to chronic inflammation.

Most often, blood tests, x-rays and stethoscope help to distinguish these varieties and make the correct diagnosis.

Main symptoms of bronchitis

The main and most striking symptom that is characteristic of all types of bronchitis is cough. In the first days of the disease it is unpleasant, dry and comes in attacks. It has an especially strong manifestation at night. Cough is severe, deep and lasting. If you properly organize the treatment, then a few days later sputum and moist rale appear.

The discharge may be mucous, muco-purulent and even have blood, if you suffer from small capillaries of the mucous membrane. In this case, it means a hemorrhagic process.

The patient experiences weakness, drowsiness, suffers from increased sweating and chest pain.


The disease can be accompanied by a rise in temperature to 39 and above. However, this is not always the case. Bronchitis is one of a few inflammatory diseases that can occur without hyperthermia.

What is the danger of improper treatment?


Different parts of the bronchus can be inflamated. If the tubes following the trachea are affected, then they talk about tracheobronchitis, with inflammation of the large bronchi, – about bronchitis itself, and when small bronchioles are inflamed, then they diagnose with bronchiolitis. The disease can get aggravated gradually, moving from the upper parts to the smaller and deeper ones.

The danger of bronchitis is that the air tubes are in direct contact with the pulmonary bubbles and, if the disease is treated incorrectly or time is missed, pneumonia can develop. In this case, the process will be called bronchopulmonary pneumonia.


In addition, the disease can be complicated by obstruction and stagnation of sputum, which accelerate the development of pneumonia. This occurs when inflammation and swelling result into narrowing of the bronchial lumen and interfere with the circulation of air. The problem is typical of young children, whose air tubes are narrower.

Transition in the chronic form

If the infection has not been destroyed completely, then inflammation gradually becomes chronic and then during the year there may be more than one episode of exacerbation of bronchitis. With a simultaneous tendency to obstruction the formation of asthma occurs.

A separate attention should be paid to smoking, which in adult patients often causes the development of toxic chronic bronchitis.

How to treat bronchitis

Antibiotics are prescribed only in the treatment of bacterial form or if the patient has a weakened immune system to avoid complications.

The main task is to facilitate the discharge of sputum. This requires:

  • Moist air is extremely important for treatment. It facilitates breathing and prevents drying of mucous membranes, the formation of crusts of sputum under which the reproduction of bacteria begins in this case. To create the right microclimate, the room needs to be constantly ventilated, a humidifier installed. If it is not available, then in the winter use a damp towel hang up on the battery, and in the summer – a usual bowl of water, placing it on a windowsill for evaporation.
  • Liquefying of sputum. Sputum is viscous enough to be removed from the bronchi using special mucolytic agents. They reduce inflammation, increase mucus production, making it liquid, activate the work of the cilia of the epithelium to accelerate the progress of secretions to their complete discharge. Liquefying also requires plenty of liquid.
  • Cough is a reflex. However, in the case of bronchitis, you need to make special efforts to cough up all the available sputum and clean the respiratory tract as much as possible. This helps to avoid stagnation and the formation of adhesions. This is especially true of children. They are treated with special tapping massages, and the smallest ones even have the root of their tongue pressed to cause coughing.

If necessary, they are given antipyretics and bronchodilators.

Inhalations in treatment of bronchitis

Inhalation is the best way to treat bronchitis, without exaggeration. We are not talking about hot steam, it is not recommended during bronchitis, especially for small children, but about inhalation with a nebulizer. The use of aerosol allows to solve all the main issues related to treatment:

  • To remove inflammation. This is achieved by inhalation of a special anti-inflammatory substances, such as Dekasan or Rotocanum.
  • To stop the spasm. Nebulas of Ventolin or drops of Berodual facilitate breathing.
  • To turn mucus into liquid. All mucolytics sold in solutions for inhalations can be used for these purposes. The most popular are Ambrobene and Lasolvan. Soda inhalations can be also used. It is useful to breathe just with normal saline, which is a perfect moisturizer.
  • To improve coughing. Inhalation with medicines promoting expectoration will facilitate sputum discharge. It will help you get rid of hoarse and dry cough. It will help to move it quickly to productive wet cough.

If necessary, you can breathe with antibiotic through ULAIZER™. This will reduce the impact on the whole body, but will give a wonderful local effect. Practice shows that recovery is faster when using an inhaler, and complications occur less frequently.

Nebulizer therapy is very gentle. It is suitable for treatment of bronchitis in pregnant women, little kids. It helps to get rid of prolonged illness at home. In some cases, it is possible to completely avoid taking antibiotics. You can choose the right therapy for all forms of the disease.

Bronchitis lasts 5-10 days and coughing continues for another two to three weeks after the acute period, with mucosal recovery. Use ULAIZER™ during all this period of time.